
This aquatic perennial is a native of India and China. E. ferox, commonly known as the Prickly Water Lily or Gorgon Plant, is a floating plant with large (4 to 5 feet across), deeply veined, flat leaves. It produces cup-shaped flowers consisting of 23 or 24 petals. They are deep violet with an outer row of white petals. Sharp spines cover the surface of the sepals and stems and also both sides of the leaves. Although perennial in tropical climates, it is usually grown as an annual in cooler regions.

Pot Cultivation

The Prickly Water Lily can be grown year-round in warm climates where the temperature doesn't drop below 40� F. In colder parts, it can be grown as an annual and easily raised from seed. Since this plant is a floating plant, it is merely set on the surface of the water.


The Prickly Water Lily is easily increased by seeds. If the seeds are to be stored, they must be stored moist. They are put into glass jars filled with distilled water and placed in the refrigerator. Make sure that the water doesn't go bad, although this usually happens when they aren't stored in distilled water. They can be stored this way for a year or more. Even if you are going to sow your seeds right away, they still need to be stored in a jar of water until the seed covering dissolves. Once this happens, they are dipped in 10% solution of bleach for three minutes to disinfect and sown in shallow pots an inch under water. As the plants grow, they are transferred to larger pots filled with three parts loam to one part sand. Each time they're moved, add well-decayed cow manure to the soil. Once the water maintains a temperature between 72� and 75� F., the plants can be set outside.

E. ferox.


E. ferox. 

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